Institut für Friedensarbeit und Gewaltfreie Konfliktaustragung

Finished Projects (in chronological order)

More information on the finished projects in German language can be found here: Abgeschlossene Projekte.

Good Practice in Unarmed Civilian Protection/ Accompaniment

On behalf of Nonviolent Peaceforce, Christine Schweitzer has been writing a documentation of the first of a planned series of several workshops on good practices in UCP.

Citizen Peacemaking: Civil Society Preventing and Stopping Wars

Responsible: Christine Schweitzer
The question studied was: Under which circumstances are citizens willing and able to prevent or stop armed conflicts / wars in their own country, or which their government is waging elsewhere? The results of the project have been published in this book here: To Prevent or Stop Wars.

Training and Education in Nonviolence

Responsible: Achim Schmitz
Achim Schmitz who has written his doctoral thesis on training in nonviolence conducts trainings and evaluations on request. He is also part of a process of action research – evaluation with the developmental association „Act for Transformation“ which deals with education for nonviolence in schools.
He started in 2009 together with an external aolleague a three-year evaluation of a project that deals with intercultural and social competencies in schools and vocational training. The partner of the IFGK here is the organisation ‚Act for Transformation’.
With the same organisation he has ahelped to put together educational materials on conflict transformation, peace and development for schools and adult education (a „peace box“). That project has been funded by InWEnt with money of the Ministry of Development.

Studies and Dissertations

  • Study on the social movement against a new railway station in Stuttgart („Stuttgart 21“) (Achim Schmitz, 2012)
  • Dissertation: Strategies of Intervention in Protracted Violent Conflicts by Civil Society Actors. The Example of Interventions in the Violent Conflicts in the Area of Former Yugoslavia, 1990 – 2002 (Christine Schweitzer, 2009)
  • Dissertation: To Train Nonviolence – the Relevance of a Practice Field of Political Education in Germany for Peace Politics and Peace Education (Achim Schmitz, 2008)
  • Study: Complex Interventions into the conficts of former Yugoslavia (Christine Schweitzer, supported by German Foundation Peace Research, 2005)
  • Study: Balkan Peace Team (Barbara Müller with Christian Büttner, 2004)
  • Study: Peace Constituencies (Barbara Müller, 2002)
  • Study: Feasibility Study for Nonviolent Peaceforce (Christine Schweitzer, 2001)

In addition, there have been a number of evaluations and other studies conducted on behalf of other organizations.

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